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Dealing with Sore Joints: Nov 2019

From the Desk of Susanna J. Davis BNSc, CH November 2019 Newsletter


Sore joints have filled my "In Box" and telephone messages these past few weeks. Colder weather affecting body temperature, changes in diet, alcohol consumption and flare-ups of parasitic activity can all lead to acidic body fluids that allow for minerals and toxins to come out of solution into solid jagged forms that irritate a joint action. Dehydration can also be a not drink juices, soda pop, and coffee but rather good old pure water or hot herbal teas such as green tea, ginger tea, and Yerba Mate.

Avoid high lectin foods such as those from the nightshade family, that is tomatoes, peppers, cayenne, eggplant, and potatoes. Also, grains can be very troublesome. If you would like a complete list of lectin-free foods and the ones to avoid just call or email and I will send it. You can download a pdf of the list from here. Or purchase Dr. Steven Gundry's book here.

Using a Zapper (Dr. Hilda Clark's adaptation of a TENS unit and available locally) regularly will help your body keep parasites to a minimum. Often zapping above and below a sore joint will improve the joint immensely.

There are many herbs that will help reduce discomfort in joints such as Boswellia (Medi Herbs) and the Ayurvedic formula of thousands of years and produced by Metagenics, Inflavanoid IC. These and many other Turmeric/Curcurmin preparations are available on Fullscript at or by phoning 1-866-807-3828.

In my office I also carry Homeocan's Arthflex, an excellent liquid herbal joint detox, and Traumacare cream, liquid and spray to help reduce inflammation.

Simple is often the best and Vitamin D3 and Fish Oil products should be a baseline approach in all joint dysfunction issues as would be Magnesium Glycinate to alleviate any muscle spasms affecting the joints.

The compulsion to tighten up into an inward ball is almost overwhelming with winter temperatures and climate in our faces but we are urged by longevity experts to move, move, move however we can to help keep joints lubricated and a spring in our step.

These supports and many others are available on the Fullscript website, your online supplement store. Go to:

Or phone Fullscript: 1-877-941-1449 or Susanna to order for you: 613-382-1403



Here follows a description of a project in the Democratic Republic of Congo that I have been involved with for several years. If this event or the project itself resonates please join us in whatever way possible. The Tchukudu Women’s Training Centre [TWTC] opened in May 2014, after Cathy Cleary and Heather Haynes met with a group of women in Goma, DRC. Sixteen women began their seamstress training over a two year period. The first year is spent learning the new skills and the second year the women are supported to do further training and to begin their own individual or cooperative businesses. We try to match each Congolese woman with a North American sponsor who provides monthly support for her training and her living expenses. Charitable receipts are provided through our partner Canada Africa Community Health Alliance. Our 5th group of trainees began their training in October 2019. Lack of basic services and infrastructure in eastern provinces of North and South Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo, are exacerbated by the ongoing conflicts causing enormous humanitarian needs. 40+ armed groups continue to operate in the eastern provinces. An estimated 6.5 million people are at crisis or emergency levels of food insecurity and UNICEF estimates that 2.5 million children under the age of 5 are acutely malnourished. Cholera and measles outbreaks are repeatedly reported and malaria is endemic. (ECHO Factsheet: Democratic Republic of Congo, Aug. 2015) . There is currently an ongoing Ebola outbreak in North Kivu and now in Goma where the Tchukudu Women’s Training Centre [TWTC] is located. We are having a fundraising event on Thursday November 28th at the Refinery Spa and Social House to raise funds for the Tchukudu women. There will be delicious food by Deanna of Olivea, beverages, a short presentation, music, and a gift bag with something made by the Congolese women. The women form cooperative sewing businesses where they sell clothing and school uniforms they have made to their local community. The women have also begun to sew reusable shopping bags and wrap around skirts which we transport to Canada for sale. Tickets are on sale online at For more information you can contact Cathy Cleary Founder, Tchukudu Women’s Training Centre Founder, Bridging Post 354 Elmwood St. Kingston, ON K7M 2Z1 Phone: 613-876-0330 Email: TEDx Talk Websites:


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